A perfect moment – my summer send-off
Many parents who worked really hard all summer having their kids at home are deservedly thrilled that school is starting and the routine resumes, but as for me - I am sad to see summer come to a close. They’re going to have an amazing school year and I am excited for them to start, but summer is a carefree, fun time. My kids were in lots of camps (see Master’s Degree for Camp) and loved the variety of experiences. I wanted to squeeze the very last of summer out of 2009 and took today off from work to spend the day with my sons.
It was magical. We went to a museum together that they knew and I didn’t. They loved showing me the “best” parts of the museum. I loved how interested they were in various different exhibits. Clearly – frogs, lizards and guitarfish are the hands-down favorite for the boys although I thought the butterflies zipping around the tropical rainforest were beautiful.
They insisted that we could not leave without seeing the planetarium show – which they referred to as the iMax. We even managed to have a pleasant lunch together where my eldest tried a new(ish) food and liked it.
But my perfect moment was unexpected. This museum has a Living Roof – it’s covered with 2 million plants that keep the building cool. It’s also an exhibit. As we exited the elevator and turned to climb the flight of stairs outside – climbing into warm sunshine – my boys bounded upwards – ecstatic to show me the roof and just loving being together. Time sort of stopped for me as I marveled at them, their exuberance and how much I was enjoying being with them. I am thankful for that moment and for the fantastic summer we shared.
What moments of unexpected joy surprised you this summer?